Saturday, March 28, 2009

some things that are neat/funny!

hey, guys!

i know, it's been a while.

here are some things that have happened on the internet and in the world since we last talked...

<3 quite a few people whose opinions i trust have said that this pbs special about the depression II: full throttle is very informative and really good. i haven't gotten around to watching it, but i am happy to share it with you, in case you have a free moment while shooting about the interwebs.

<3 this is the ultimate primer for internet trend knowledgability. these are all the internet trends that have been big, in no particular order, in one place, so you can catch up a bit.

<3 is this delicious or disgusting? BOTH!

<3 some evil geniuses created a 'silence of the lambs' musical. here are the songs. here is the youtube video of the obvious classic "put the fucking lotion in the basket." obviously not for those who are easily offended and probably not funny to people who don't know the movie.

extreme sheepherding!!

<3 this photographer shoots things with a gun and takes photos of it. weird and neat.

<3 me and some friends are going "no 'poo." it basically means we're not using store bought shampoo or conditioner. there are many benefits to it, all of which are outlined AT LENGTH in other website, if you're interested. here are some sites i've liked so far:
let me know if you're gonna try it out! we can email about it!

what have you been up to?

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thanks for sharing!